27 October 2016

It's Autumn in New England

   I love autumn in New England. Truly, I do. Autumn here is beautifully full of crisp air.  It is the time for pumpkins to carve, the turning of the leaves from a deep velvet green to a beautiful fireworks display of amazing color, delicious apple picking, the fun of watching the fat rabbits in our thicket, the majestic Canadian Geese flying north overhead to their home, the beginning of a break from the bears... Yes. You read that correctly. Bears.  
   If you've ever read anything of my old posts you will know I live in the middle of Nowhere.  No. Actually, that is not quite correct.  Nowhere has cable, internet and cell phone service.  We do not get most of that and what we do get is intermittent and expensive satellite that we cannot afford.  So to be more accurate, Nowhere is bigger than here with better amenities, but I digress. I do that a lot when I get a little unsettled.  It's snowing you see, not that I have a problem with snow most of the time but the last time we had snow this early in the year, bad things happened. Very bad things.  And I have just been assured the view outside our windows is not an illusion or mirage.  

Last time a tree fell down in the middle of the road not far from our house while my husband and one of our daughters were coming home and parts of the tree went threw the windshield and acting on instinct... well, sorry. (nobody was seriously injured)

  And I feel I must stress here that we do not, in fact, acquire or ask or pay anyone else to acquire what our family apparently uses as a unit of measure when we buy a new car. (I still wonder how many families there are that have thought processes similar to ours)

    I now patiently await the arrival of my husband who is driving home in the same kind of heavy wet snow showers. Him I trust with everything... unless there is a zombie invasion. Then I will have to call them as I see them. (That tale has already been told)

QOTD: "Life is about choices. Give up or get up." ~ One Girl Say @JaneSandero on Twitter

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Contents from normal neural synapsis goes here....
Should unnatural neural synapsis occur? Take one cherry chocolate Hershey Kiss and carry on.
Should NO neural synapsis occur? Take two full strength chocolate Hershey Kisses and
try again in the morning.