18 March 2010

'You Made A Difference' Award...

Warning:  Serious Post

Yes.  I know.  I rarely do these.  For some reason though, this post came to mind and wouldn't leave me alone until I had gotten it all down...

The Lemon Stand has quite a history.  I originally started blogging way back in 2005.  Due to emergency surgery and recovery, I deleted my blog back at the beginning of 2008 because I was not able to keep up with it and I knew I had a long road to tread.  Last winter I decided to reinvent this blog because I still needed it and there were a lot of wonderful blogger friends who encouraged me to start again.  What I had to say and how I said it was actually missed even a year and a half later by friends and family.  It feels good to be back and to know I can give back to those people who have inspired me.

I had forgotten how having to think about what goes on every day and picking out the positive, happy, humorous or deeply serious events that occur within the realm of my life makes me focus on my blessings.  Not just at home but in everything that touches my life.  Believe me, this takes work.  A lot of it.  Gigantic mountains of it some days.  You know.  Like Himalayan big.  Positive thinking is not a natural state for me.

I cringe when I look back at the idiot I was in my teens and twenties.  I'm not very proud of that time in my life.  I woke up one day and realized that I didn't want to be that person anymore.  I think that being in my 40's and having the experience of hindsight has made me appreciate life more.  To really take the time every once in a while to look around and take stock.

Today it seems like there is nothing but bad news out there.  That makes it hard to look at each new challenge as an opportunity even though I know that it is.  Everyone out there today has felt the impact of either losing their job or having a family or friend who has.  Worse than that.  There are families trying to hold it all together without a spouse or parent because they are in the military.  Some of those family members come home a whole lot different then they left.  Some don't make it home at all.  It is very hard sometimes to keep in mind that there is always some one out there with more on their plate than you do.  Sometimes it's hard to look around and appreciate what you have.  Until it's gone.  Sigh.  There are some truly gargantuan lemons out there.

But back to my original thought.  (Yeah. I know.  I'm wandering, but all who wander are not lost.)

This blog has been my lemonade for a long time now.  I definitely don't have the following I used to have but that's ok.  People find me every day and share parts of their own lives.  I have learned so much from them and I hope that there is a time when I can or have returned the favor.

I know I've said this before but nobody in life gets to where they are going without help and most people don't realize the impact they have on other people's lives.  What seems to you a small, minor thing can be what someone else most needed at that time in their life.  I just want to touch on a few of them that have written something that made me stop and change the way I looked at something.

I wish I had a "You've Made A Difference" Award I could give out (so that others could pass it on) but I am not that savvy with artistic graphics.  Instead I will just say that if you ever need a pick me up, words of wisdom, food for thought or just a plain good laugh, go to any of their sites.  They are good peeps and though I may not agree with everything they write, their posts are always worth reading. They are by no means all of those whom have touched my life in some way, just ones who have done so lately and I'd just like to take the time to say "Thank you."
ABW of Army Blogger Wife
AFW over at SpouseBuzz
Bou of Boudicca's Voice
Cristin of Life of a Redleg Wife
Eric of Straight White Guy
Just Another Snarky Navy Wife
LAW of Proud Liberal Army Wife
Leeann of Look!  A Baby Wolf!
Meleah of Mama Mia, Mia Culpa
Mrs Who at House of Zathras
Roses of Ack! Thbbbt!
Sarah of Trying to Grok
VW Bug of One Happy Dog Speaks


  1. That was beautiful. Really. Thank you for sharing. I read your blog every time you post, but I don't think I've ever commented. Maybe, not sure.

    It is a bright spot, and I appreciate you sharing your life, and heart with the world.

  2. That... okay, that is better than fresh coffee, better than new reality TV, even better than Monkey remembering that regarding the catbox, close only counts in horseshoes and handgrenades.
    Thank you so very very much!

  3. A wonderful list of bloggers one and all including you!

  4. I can't tell you how crushed I was when the original blog disappeared. I've been thrilled at its return, even though I'm not reading blogs as religiously as I used to (too much school reading). You make a difference every day, too. It's nice to vent and get the anger out of my system, then come over here for some sunshine to fill in that empty space. :)

    You absolutely rock. Thank you.

  5. Golly, thank you. I am honored that you even read my site...

  6. I am glad you're back!!! Missed you while you were on hiatus.

  7. Thank you for including me, Lemon Stand.

    I believe that we're all pushing boulders up a mountainside, and one needs someone standing by complaining about how heavy their boulder is as much as they need someone to point out the pretty scenery along the way.

    Thank you for pointing out the flowers on my side of the path. :)

  8. Thank you for including me, Lemon Stand.

    I believe that we're all pushing boulders up a mountainside, and no one needs someone standing by complaining about how heavy their boulder is as much as they need someone to point out the pretty scenery along the way.

    Thank you for pointing out the flowers on my side of the path. :)

  9. Good Grief, THANK YOU! There are days here in my home, that there is no laughter in my heart. It takes all I have to sit down and sift through the day, trying to put a better view on things. Some days, I merely say to myself, "7 years and 3 months... and they're gone!" Wait... did I REALLY just write that? ;-)

  10. Awwww.....thanks!

    I too was sad when you blog disappeared, but I am glad you are back!!!

  11. You have always been a huge glass of lemonade for me, Girl. ALWAYS. First, because I'm glad my family is not the only one (if you know what I mean) - even if that makes meeting up difficult due to fears of ripping the fabric of time and space. And second, because you make the world a better place and make me want to be a better person.

    And if I can make you laugh, it's just awesome. :)

  12. Thank YOU one and all. To know that I can give back and touch other people's lives in a positive way... well, that gives me warm fuzzies all over more than any place else... Hope you all have a great day!

  13. Thank you! It does feel nice to know that my little posts have positively impacted someone. Have a great week!

  14. awwwwww! Im so flattered to be on that list. And this post got me all choked up over here! Im actually tearing!!!

    PS: "I cringe when I look back at the idiot I was in my teens and twenties. I'm not very proud of that time in my life."


  15. I haven't forgotten this... I have just got caught up in my crazy life. Thank you again and again for this.


Contents from normal neural synapsis goes here....
Should unnatural neural synapsis occur? Take one cherry chocolate Hershey Kiss and carry on.
Should NO neural synapsis occur? Take two full strength chocolate Hershey Kisses and
try again in the morning.